Saturday, December 10, 2011

Class Reflection

When I first scheduled this class i thought it was perfect for the career field that I would love to go in to, which is producing music. Taking a class that explains hwo to use a microphone, create sound, blend sound and use sound to my advantage... it all seemed perfect. 

Every prject given in this class, the different use of sounds, the range of sound from natural sound to voice to created warped sounds... I was able to experience it all in this class and through that I have a better understanding of sound in general. From project one to the last project, what I learned in the class always applied. 

Some projects were more enjoyable than others, not necessarily because they were hard but because of interest in the project. My three favorite was the soundwalk, the soundslide of Peter and lastly, the radio drama. In these projects I feel that I was given the opportunity to use what i learned on three different levels. The soundwalk was the novice aspect of the project, the getting used to hearing sounds and differentiating between them was the entrance phase in to understand sounds. Next, the soundslide project gave us a chance to provide a picture with the sound. being given the chance to have a picture makes gathering sound easier because the picture for the most part is the story and the sound if what carries that story. Lastly, the radio drama gave me the opportunity to use what I learned from the first two projects mentioned and come to my own conclusion about sound and the production of it. Like that of the first project, the radio drama relied on my ability to just listen and hear different sounds around me, like walking, clocks ticking, doors opening and small sounds like the wind.  In doing the first soundwalk project I was able to pick up on the miscellaneous sounds throughout the day and apply them to my radio drama. In comparison to the soundslide project, this radio drama relied on telling a story using sound... but this time around there were no pictures to carry it and I had to essentially create a picture through the use of voice, natural sound and created sound. 

Being given a wide range of how to use sound in different facets of production, I feel as though if I was ever given the chance to become a music producer I can apply all that I learned from this class to that career field. Using sound as an advantage and having to heavily rely on it makes the importance of sound that much greater. The soundwalk, soundslide and radio drama projects put everything in to perspective and even though there were miscellaneous projects in between, I feel as though these three really exude what the class is about and that is the production of sound and its influence and impact on  those who are experiencing the sound. I learned how to become a better listener to my environment and now I know how to hear things that others usually overlook and because of that I have a better appreciation for sound in general. 

I believe that this class and these projects shows how important sound is and without hearing something you can't fully understand the concept. For example, a picture can have multiple messages or give off different meaning but if sound is placed on that picture the meaning can change drastically and that is what I learned in this class this semester; the use of sound, the importance of sound and how sound impacts us all, I enjoyed myself very much. 

Basement Door- Radio Drama

This project was my ultimate favorite. Not only did it give me a chance to exude my creativity but it brought everything of the class in to perspective for me. 

Because the assignment was to make a radio drama, all I could use for the project was sound and sound alone, which made sense since this is an audio production class. I came up with the concept of re-creating a popular radio drama with the help of my grandmother and Google, lol! In doing so, I chose to re-do "Knock at the Basement Door" which I renamed "Basement Door". 

The plot of the story is a woman who is dissatisfied with her mother-in-law and kills her, then the ghost of her mother-in-law comes back to keep her from killing her son which ends in the protagonist hanging herself in the basement that she killed her mother-in-law in. 

The way I wrote the story shows how schizophrenic the protagonist is. The use of sounds that I chose show the darkness of her character and the darkness of the story. The inevitable gong behind her voice, the sounds of doors being knocked on, walking, chairs being moved... the story if carried through the sounds I decided to use. Originally, I wanted to use more door knocking under the actors voices but then I thought it owuld be an overuse and lose meaning if unnecessary knocking was used. 

I believe that the end product of the project exudes everything that I learned in class. The unity of sound and voice, understanding how to merge the two together to not overpower either one, I loved it. 

The editing of this piece took hours but I didn't mind because it was a nice break from the other 5 projects and papers that I had due, this project allowed me to relax and just focus on one thing for once. Having to find the sound effects, fixing and resampling on sound forge, I used everything that I learned in class and applied it to this final project and I feel as if it was my best. 

The use of sound effects, the music in the background growing with the climax of the story, the sounds that make a complete difference in a story if they weren't there... I took on the concept of creating a radio drama with open arms and executed greatly in my opinion. The end result of the project shocked me because sometimes you can be biased when critiquing your own work and believe it is the best thing ever... but the feedback from the class and professor, I was able to see that I had actually done a good job and my bias wasn't one-sided.

Overall, this project was by far the best project that we were given and I had the most fun with it. At times it was stressful but the stress of it paid off in the end result and because of that I have a better appreciation for editing and sound forge all together. I understand the use of sound and the use of telling a story through the use of sound and voice alone and in my production of "The Basement Door" I can use what I learned and put it into a hard-copy completed project. 

Recording 101: the experience

Like the project for soundwalking, this project was very similar since it had the same concept of walking around and listening. In doing this project, I got an understanding of how to be a better listener and now every sound stands out to me, even the quiet. Being at the Behrend ski slope, the library and Ohio Hall I was able to get different sound perspectives and I was able to appreciate all of them. 

Walking around campus, especially in these places, I pay attention to more sounds and hear almost everything. The way the trees sound when the wind hits them, that undertone "woosh" sound. The way the sound of my footsteps echo off the walls when I'm in the hallway by myself and the silence of the library and how clearing my throat echoes throughout. I am able to hear these sounds and visualize them  with my eyes closed. 

When I first did this project I knew the places that I would chose because they are the places I see on my walk from classes to ending my day in my room. I knew that I wanted to hear how the outside sounds because it is the most prominent sound of them all when I am walking by myself and my ipod is off for a change. I knew that I wanted to get the sound of where I live on campus and show the differences in sound change from college students to the building creating it's own hum. And lastly, I knew that i wanted to record in the library to give my opinion on silence and how it's distracting. 

Doing this project allowed me to use my ears and stretch them as far as I could with just using my ears, no sight, no feel and no smell, to give me more insight and because hearing is my strongest sense, I used my ears to their fullest extent. 

Reflection of Voice

With this project I didn't understand how to approach it. The readings I chose were Charles Baudelaire "Beauty" and the story of the Three Little Pigs. 

Reading the Charles Baudelaire poem in the monotone and "excited" louder voice was pretty simple. And I was able to grasp the concept of the difference between a monotone voice and an un-monotoned voice. But that doesn't mean I enjoyed the project. Being in the studio, reading this poem to myself and by myself, it felt a little silly and maybe that's why I didn't deliver the way I knew I could and the finished product showed in my delivery. 

Reading the Three Little Pigs story was also a challenge in itself because, I am used to reading a child story to a child and reacting off our their actions to the story and creating an energy. Since I did not have a child present, the reading of the story was a little half assed, and honestly, if I had read to a child that way, they'd probably get bored. So with that lack of a kid being present, me just focusing on this as a homework assignment, I didn't go all out with the reading. There are some instances where I'm involved and trying to connect with this imaginary child, but I couldn't and because of it I wasn't very satisfied with the end result. 

Being able to use my voice on 3 separate occasions in 3 separate ways showed me how to use my voice effectively. By doing the project "wrong" in my eyes, I am able to understand that when something is missing pretend that it is there for the best result and really give all that you have when doing so instead of just giving up even if it is something as simple as reading the Three Little Pigs 

Soundslide- Life as an Adult Student

For this project I decided to interview my friend Peter Huziar. I decided to interview him because over the past 2 years him and I have gotten extremely close through the pressures of school and through him being and older student trying to find his niche amongst a crowd that is so much younger than him. 

When I first met with Peter to do this project, he was studying and that is where I got most of my pictures from and that is generally what his story is about. The hours he puts in, the time spent on just getting one assignment done and the endless hours that he dedicates to his schoolwork. Interviewing Peter honestly gave me a different perspective of who he is because I never understood the concept of being in Hammermill literally all day until I was there with him observing how he moves and how he tends to every class so meticulously; I was impressed. 

For me this video shows all of the triumphs of not only an adult student but as a friend as well. Making the video of Peter provided me with a sense of never giving up because eventually it will pay off in the end if it is used right, "it" being an education and knowledge attained from an educational university. 

This project was one of my favorites because 1. I was able to do something that I was used to and 2. because it was nice to see a different side of Peter. I say it was something that I'm used to because I am the videographer of my family and I make the slideshows, videos and all of that creativeness, so being able to apply to skills to a class and enjoy a hobby as well... it took the "homework" feel away from it and that's always nice. Secondly, me being able to see Peter and understand why he works so hard, why he can't mess up again and why it's so hard for him to keep going sometimes. From the outside Peter is a well oiled machine but on the inside he is the same undergrad student struggling and trying to stay in the competition with those around him... I liked the vulnerability of his character in this piece and I think it really reflects in what he says. 

Monday, October 3, 2011


While out on my sound walk I heard so many new sounds, sounds that I never thought to pay attention to until I had to listen to them. The sounds of footsteps, clicking of printers, the sound of wind brushing through the trees and how loud silence can actually be, all of it was astonishing.

On the sound walk I was able to develop an appreciation for the noise around me. In the library the only sound around is silence. The sounds in the library seem to ricochet off one another and become louder because of the surrounding quiet. While there the sounds of the printer were escalated, students sneezing or coughing sounded ten times louder and even the slight sound of turning the page of a textbook was elevated.
Because I don't like to be in quiet places for too long the library was an uncomfortable experience for me. I was fidgety at first and felt like I was the loudest thing in the library while I tried to get comfortable, it was terrible.

My favorite part of the sound walk was being outside. The sound of nature and the slowing down of the day all meshed with my mood and calmed me down. All of the sounds outside seemed to focus my thoughts and allowed me to clear my head for once instead of constantly being on the move. I enjoyed hearing the grasshoppers, the wind and the sounds of animals scurrying to get home. Everything seemed to make a sound for a reason creating a symphony of noise that I began to appreciate and understand more as time passed on.

Lastly, the Ohio Hall lobby; while in the lobby I was able to witness something that most people don't. I saw the change from resident energy to the building radiating its own energy. The sounds of residents coming home to a long day of classes to the building creating its own rhythm and noise. It was amazing to be a still figure in that change.

Throughout the entire sound walk, the outside walk was my favorite because of the calming mood that it put me in. It is where I believe I had the most success and where I enjoyed listening the most.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Playlist of Me

In making this playlist of me I found it so hard to find songs that really gave into the essence of who i am as a person. Because music is my life, I went through every playlist, every lyric and almost every note until I could find the perfect songs to tell my story.
At first, I needed a song that built up the anticipation of me. A song that could reveal who I am without completely giving me away, an interlude so to speak, and that's exactly what I chose. The song at the beginning of my playlist is the All of the Lights Interlude by Kanye West. The songs serves as an introduction, a way to get the audience ready and to prompt their ears to listen to what I have to say.
The second song, All that I'm Living For by Evanescence, shows my loud side. The side of me that exists within when I want to scream. This song reminds me that I'm living for me and I have to take this life and turn it into something magnificent. Through this song I realize that I am maturing and at this point in my life I am content with who I am and what I have accomplished thus far.
The third song is Comes to the Light by Jill Scott. This song for me separates the dark from the light, the fake from the real. Throughout my life I have undergone so many friend renovations and went through times where I honestly felt as if I had no "real" friends. This song for me makes it ok to have to stand on your own and finally see people for who they really are. I love this song because it provided me with a strength to recognize wrongs in most of my friendships and let go.
The last song is Feeling Good by Nina Simone and that is exactly what the song does for me. Every word in the song is how I want my life to be. The feeling of being free and not having any boundaries on my life or goals, embracing the present and living in the now of things is how this song makes me feel. "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me" those exact words evoke every spirit in my body and let me know that even if today is hard tomorrow will be ok because I get another chance to start over and I am essentially waiting for the morning after.